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a good recommendation: www.olincig.com
mickD(2010/8/10 11:22:55)  点击:85109  回复:6  IP:113.* * *

www.olincig.com is an online cigarette shop where you can purchase

multifarious duty-free and High-Q cigarettes, if you are a somker or you are

among those people who smoke, olincig.com is your absolutly first choice.

Telephone : 714 656 3926
MSN : [email protected]
.1.  回复:a good recommendation: www.olincig.com
nicole123(2010/8/24 9:16:20)  IP:117.* * *
up up up~~~www.olincig.com is really a nice choice
TEL:714 6563926
MSN: olincig2hotmail.com
.2.  回复:a good recommendation: www.olincig.com
nicole123(2010/8/25 9:11:28)  IP:61.* * *
www.olincig.com is an online cigarette shop where you can purchase

multifarious duty-free and High-Q cigarettes, if you are a somker or you are

among those people who smoke, olincig.com is your absolutly first choice.

Telephone : 714 656 3926
MSN : [email protected]
.3.  回复:a good recommendation: www.olincig.com
nicole123(2010/8/26 9:29:23)  IP:222.* * *
www.olincig.com sells promotional cigarettes. Lucky Strike is 20.99$ per carton as well as Marlboro is 12.99$ per carton.
TEL: 714 6563926
MSN: [email protected]
.4.  回复:a good recommendation: www.olincig.com
nicole123(2010/8/27 9:32:13)  IP:113.* * *
Have you ever bought any cigs online? www.olincig.com will provide you the discount and tax free cigs wherever you are. If any questions, please contact [email protected]
TEL: 714 6563926
MSN: [email protected]

.5.  回复:a good recommendation: www.olincig.com
nicole123(2010/8/28 11:47:36)  IP:222.* * *
Welcome to Olincig.com online shopping mall. We provide various promotional, High-Q products for you. You can purchase your favorite products online and know more about our ordering process through call our service hotline.
TEL: 714 6563926
MSN: [email protected]
.6.  回复:a good recommendation: www.olincig.com
nicole123(2010/8/30 8:57:22)  IP:202.* * *
Have you ever bought any cigs online? www.olincig.com will provide you the discount and tax free cigs wherever you are. If any questions, please contact [email protected]
TEL: 714 6563926
MSN: [email protected]

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