格拉斯哥 GCU 大学 2022年新生周安排GCU(2022/9/12 17:06:54) 点击:
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92.* * * 欢迎今年即将到GCU大学学习的小伙伴们,下面是2022学年新生周活动安排:
Welcome Talk
9.15 , 12pm-1.30pm, Room: C001
Welcome Night with the GCU Students Association
9.15, 6-9pm, Union Bar & Grill
Scavenger Hunt
9.16, 1pm-4pm , 地点待定
Trip to IKEA
9.18, 9.25, 9.30-1pm
Welcome BBQ
9.18, 1pm-4pm, George Moore restaurant
Mural Trail Monday
9.19 (11am-12.30pm), 9.26 (11am-12.30pm), 9.29 (11am-12.30pm)
Learn the Lingo
9.19, 5.30pm-7pm
Myths & Legends Walking Tour
9.21 (1pm-3pm & 6pm-8pm), 9.28 (1-3pm & 6-8pm)
British Afternoon Tea: Butterfly & the Pig
9.20, 3.30pm-5.30pm
Meal at the Bier Halle
9.22, 9.29, 6pm-8pm