【英文】成功人士和非成功人士之间的7大区别palm21(2022/1/7 11:42:44) 点击:
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220.* * * 7 Key Differences Between Successful People And Unsuccessful People
There is always a clear cut difference between the successful and the unsuccessful. The difference in habits and decisions give birth to what is either being talked about or what is not. Adjusting and aligning your thoughts with successful people will start to have a profound effect on how people see you. It will also help in understanding the daily habits that successful people use to fine tune their values and standards.
To define the actions of successful people, John Paul DeJoria, the billionaire behind brand names such as Paul Michell hair products and Patron tequila, explains what a ‘successful’ person is: “Successful people do all the things that unsuccessful people don’t want to do.”
Success has elements attached to it from hard work, determination and perseverance. It goes beyond the desire to be successful and reaches in to taking action to make a difference. This infographic offers more by explaining what extra factors the successful have over the unsuccessful.
Their success is dependent on the success of others
They understand that change is constant and they move with the trends rather than get stuck at a spot.
They are focused on getting their creativity juices going.
They are in charge of their success
Their desire for knowledge is unending
They are grateful and show genuine appreciation
They never burn bridges