此贴在2018/5/23 18:05:24被*Amy567*编辑过
Hi there,
I provide proofreading services for all types of articles (essay, dissertation, presentation, personal statement, etc) in English, either it is for business or for academic purposes.
I have obtained first class honour degree in BA Accounting with Corporate Finance, Merit in MSc Quantitative Financial Engineering and Distinction in MSc Information Technology.
I am specialised in following topics: business study, accounting, finance, economics, statistic, mathematics and IT.
During my time at universities, my average results for written assignments were over 70%.
If you would like to get your written assignment polished up for a great result, please contact me via below:
Wechat ID: wxid_v0clw2qg1ikq22
(Provide CV upon request, charge will depends on the topic and the length of article)
Best wishes,