[餐厅英语]:吃糖真的不用担心发胖freeto(2013/10/10 15:45:06) 点击:
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Tuck in! Eating sweets regularly DOESN'T make you more likely to be fat or develop heart disease.
When it comes to sweets, a little of what you fancy won’t make you obese or trigger a heart attack, new research reveals. A study of more than 5,000 Americans found no link between poor health and eating sweets regularly.Those who consumed sweets at least every other day were no more likely to be overweight or be at greater risk of cardiovascular disease than others who treated themselves about once a week or less, the research found.
The researchers said the results certainly do not provide evidence sweets can be consumed without limits, but suggest most people treat themselves without increasing their risk of obesity or heart disease. They added that more research is needed to further understand the role sweets and chocolate play in life .