英国留学:考文垂大学foundation campus本科预科课程介绍fxy(2013/6/17 13:35:10) 点击:
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124.* * * 1、商业,经济,金融和管理Business, Economics, Finance and Management
BA (Hons) Accountancy
BA (Hons) Accountancy and Finance
BA (Hons) Advertising and Business
BA (Hons) Advertising and Marketing
BA (Hons) Business Administration
BA (Hons) Business and Finance
BA (Hons) Business and Marketing
BA (Hons) Business Economics
BA (Hons) Business and Human Resource Management
BA (Hons) Business Management
BA (Hons) Business Studies
BA (Hons) Economics
BA (Hons) Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
BA (Hons) Event Management
BA (Hons) Finance and Investment
BA (Hons) Financial Economics
BSc (Hons) International Business Management (4 Years)
BA (Hons) Languages for Business
BA (Hons) International Economics and Trade
BA (Hons) Marketing
BSc (Hons) Oil, Gas and Energy Management
BA (Hons) Sport Management
BA (Hons) Sport Marketing
2、计算机工程与科学Computing, Engineering & Sciences
BEng (Hons) Aerospace Systems Engineering
BEng (Hons) Aerospace Technology
BSc (Hons) Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology
BSc (Hons) Architecture
MEng/BEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering
BSc (Hons) Aviation Management
BSc (Hons) Building Surveying
BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology
MEng/BEng/BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering
BEng (Hons) Computer Hardware and Software Engineering
BSc (Hons) Computer Science
BSc (Hons) Computing
BSc (Hons) Construction Management
BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering
BEng (Hons) Electrical Systems Engineering
BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering
BSc (Hons) Engineering Studies
BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking and Network Security
BSc (Hons) Games Technology
BSc (Hons) Mathematics
BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Statistics
MEng/BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
BEng (Hons) Motorsport Engineering
BSc (Hons) Multimedia Computing
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management
3、法律,人文与社会科学Law, Humanities & Social Sciences
BSc (Hons) Disaster Management
BSc (Hons) Disaster Management and Emergency Planning
BA (Hons) English
BA English and Creative Writing
BA (Hons) English and Journalism
BA (Hons) English and TEFL
BA French
BA French and English
BA French and International Relations
BA French and Spanish
BA French and TEFL
BA (Hons) Geography
BSc (Hons) Geography
BSc (Hons) Geography and Natural Hazards
BA (Hons) History
BA (Hons) International Relations
BA (Hons) Politics
BA (Hons) Politics and History
BA Spanish
BA Spanish and English
BA Spanish and International Relations
BA Spanish and TEFL
BA (Hons) Sociology
BA (Hons) Sociology and Criminology
BA (Hons) Sociology and Psychology
LLB (Hons) Law1
LLB (Hons) Commercial Law
LLB (Hons) International Law
4、生命科学Life Sciences
BA (Hons) Applied Community and Social Studies
BSc (Hons) Analytical Chemistry and Forensic Science
BSc (Hons) Biological and Forensic Sciences
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science and Applied Biomedical Science
BA (Hons) Criminology
BA (Hons) Criminology and Law
BA (Hons) Criminology and Psychology
BSc (Hons) Environmental Health
BSc (Hons) Exercise, Nutrition and Health
BSc (Hons) Food and Nutrition
BSc (Hons) Forensic Investigations
BSc (Hons) Human Biosciences
BA (Hons) International Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care
BSc (Hons) Medical and Pharmacological Science
BSc (Hons) Psychology and Criminology
BSc (Hons) Psychology
BSc (Hons) Sport Psychology
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science
5、艺术,设计与媒体Art, Design & Media
MDes/BA (Hons) Automotive Transport Design
BA (Hons) Fashion
BA (Hons) Fine Art
BA (Hons) Fine Art & Illustration
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
BA (Hons) Illustration & Animation
BA (Hons) Illustration & Graphics
MDes/BA (Hons) Interior Design
BA (Hons) Journalism & Media
BA (Hons) Media & Communications
BA (Hons) Media Production
BA (Hons) Photography
MDes/BA (Hons) Product Design