雅思口语考题精选范例解析及技巧表达ares(2012/6/16 23:27:36) 点击:
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183.* * * 1.考场反应要灵敏,善于新题旧话
Sample Question:
Describe a natural beauty
很多烤鸭们当下的反应可能很丰富,脑海中出现的观点也很多样,或者说对于这个话题根本没有准备,见都没有见过,瞬间信心就瓦解决堤了。不过,我们要试着把这个扯到我们之前见过或者准备的话题,就会容易的多。这个话题其实就类似于a river, a mountain, an open air place or a park(但是要注意,话题是自然景观,我们应该挑出公园里的一个natural reserve)
Sample Question
A.What kind of child were you in your childhood?
Sample Answer
To be honest, I was a girl totally different from who I am now.I my memory, I used to be very quiet and shy.Few classmates liked to make friends with me as I was always reluctant to open my heart to others.
B.something you lost
C.something you want to buy if you have enough money
B.C这两个问题都是在第二部分出现的cue card, 烤鸭们要注意分析好时态, 尤其是过时式(B), 以及将来时(C)的区别,否则通篇时态错误,分数必然不会高
考场中,可能处于紧张,或者不自信,很多烤鸭进入考场就好像进入了审讯室,任考官盘问。尤其是在第一部分,很多考生回答过于简短或者表面,甚至有的时候问一句,答一句,逼得考官继续追问why, 这会严重影响烤鸭们的分数。我们要主动的积极的坦白出更多的信息,避免考官问你更多复杂的问题。
Sample Question:
Do you like listening to the music?
Sample Answer:
I listen to many kinds of music, such as pop music, soft music, blues, and jazz.Among them I enjoy soft music best.When I get home tired from work, I always play some soft music, which helps to relax myself.As to singers, I like Celin Dion best.Both her English songs and French songs are very good.Do you like reading?
A.Yeah I like reading quite much.I often read some detective novels.Usually, I go to the local library to read, where they have many kinds of books.I can always find something interesting and funny.
B.I like reading.I used to read quite often in our local library, which is only 5 minutes' walk from my house.However, I don't read much now, as my job keeps me busy all the time.