斯特拉斯克莱德大学格拉斯哥大教堂合唱奖学金 - University of Strathclyde Glasgow Cathedral Choral Scholarships
One Choral Scholarship, tenable at the Glasgow Cathedral, is normally offered each year by the University of Strathclyde. The scholarship is open to men and women who are either registered or potential students of the University and whose registration at the University will last for nine months or longer starting from the date at which the scholarship begins. Any offer will be subject to the candidate satisfying any academic or other requirements of the University relating to admission to the University or continuation of study at the University. The closing date for receipt of applications is normally 30 November in the year before that for which the Scholarship is being offered, although applications submitted at other times will always receive sympathetic attention.
申请人专业背景:Performing Arts * choral, music
金额:stipend of £500 plus a sum of £125
奖学金期限:not specified
Website: www.suuk.org
[email protected]QQ: (英国)707474988 (国内)1505659078
电话: (英国)+ 44(0)8444 930 990 (国内)+ 86(0)400 680 6030 (香港)+ 852 93304564