[原创] 北京语言大学远程汉语课程全球诚征代理机构Agent Invitation of Network Education CollegeBLCU(2011/11/16 16:40:45) 点击:
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124.* * * [size=1]北京语言大学(简称“北语”)是教育部直属的中国唯一一所以汉语国际教育和对来华留学生进行汉语、中华文化教育为主要任务的国际型大学。自1962年建校以来,学校一直是中国对外汉语教学的核心基地。
联系人:芦老师 TEL:8610-82303820-20 QQ:873388471 MSN:[email protected] Email:[email protected]
Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU), directly under the Chinese Ministry of Education, is the only university of its kind in China with the primary task of teaching Chinese language and culture to foreign students. Since its foundation in 1962, BLCU has been the core institution of teaching Chinese as a second language.
Network Education College, BLCU, using eBLCU.com as its teaching platform, it offers non-native Chinese speakers degree and non-degreen programs via interactive video and multimedia courseware, which include the Bachelor’s Degree program in Chinese language, non-degree Chinese language training HSK tutoring, Business Chinese training and the Chinese Language Teacher Education courses.
We are looking forwards to agents all over the world who are interested in and strong enough. Please contact us for more details.
MSN:[email protected]
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