小测试:英国小学考初中试题你会吗?nestle(2009/4/8 19:07:15) 点击:
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212.* * * 英国开始推行小学考初中的全国统考始于1944年,名为11 plus,取自参加考试的孩子的年龄段——11到12岁。考试成绩优秀的可以进入grammer school,直译为文法学校,可以算是我们的重点中学吧,成绩一般的就只能进入普通学校了。
32年后,苏格兰和威尔士在1976年取消了这个考试。又一个32年后,2008年是北爱尔兰最后一次使用这个考试制度选拔学生。现在只有英格兰还保留有一百多家文法学校,想进入重点学校的孩子,仍需要参加11 plus的考试。
11,12岁的孩子,对语文数学,语法修辞,逻辑分析,到底应该是个什么水平?当看到BBC网上邀请大家试一试孩子们的考试题时,我磨拳擦掌的加入了。要不你也试一试? 10分钟答15道题。这是英文原题
1: MOVING ONE LETTER In these questions, one letter can be moved from the first word to the second word, to make two new words. The letters must not be otherwise arranged and both new words must make sense. Select the correct letter from those provided. 1. SCARF & RAIL A F R S 2. GUILT & POND L T U I 3. BLIND & SAY N B L I
再做一下这个数学填空题: FILL IN THE MISSING NUMBERIn each of the following sets of numbers the number in the centre bracket is found in exactly the same way as the two examples. Find the number in the middle. 9. 48 (6) 8, 49 (7) 7, 63 ( ) 7 8 6 9 7 10. 72 (47) 24, 28 (18) 9, 84 ( ) 33 65 66 51 50 11. 3 (21) 27, 6 (25) 37, 11 ( ) 23 1 7 9 29
正确答案: 1.SCARF & RAIL Answer: F - Move F from SCARF to RAIL to make SCAR and FRAIL
2. GUILT & POND Answer: U - Move U from GUILT to POND to make GILT and POUND
3. BLIND & SAY Answer: L - Move L from BLIND to SAY to make BIND and SLAY
9. 48 (6) 8 49 (7) 7 63 ( ) 7 Answer: 9 - In each case the first number is divided by the third number to get the number in brackets。
10. 72 (47) 24 28 (18) 9 84 ( ) 33 Answer: 50 - In each case the third number is subtracted from the first number and then 1 is subtracted from the answer to get the number in brackets。
11. 3 (21) 27 6 (25) 37 11 ( ) 23 Answer: 1 - In each case the first number is doubled and the answer is subtracted from the third number to get the number in brackets。